My reply to them is that this is a standard issue. RDBMS products by their nature
guarantee transactions. This is very expensive.
They do a lot of logging to guarantee transactions. For example, a
standard technique in Oracle to add a column to a large table is to create a copy of the
table with the additional column using NOLOGGING. Afterwards you add back in
constraints, indexes, … .
The standard joke in Oracle is that it first does redo and then an
undo and then actually does something. For those familiar with Oracle knobs, undo
has significance.
Also, there is a lot of context switching going on between the
RDBMS and the external interface. Heck, even within Oracle, PL/SQL implemented
BULK COLLECT to reduce all this context switching between PL/SQL and SQL. (Bulk Processing with BULK COLLECT and FORALL by Steven
So, the trick is to identify the knobs that minimize logging and
context switching.
For further details on this type of stuff, check out the following blog posts
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