Thursday, September 5, 2019

Quick Explanation of the Python Generator

The goal of this blog post is to provide a quick explanation of what a generator is and a short code snippet demonstrating it.

Generators are functions that can be used as iterators. Another way of saying the same thing is that a generator is a function which may return as many times as needed, instead of just once.

A good way to demonstrate a generator is via the Fibonacci Sequence.

def fib():
    a,b = 0, 1
    while True:
        yield a
        a, b = b, a+b

for f in fib():
    if f > 100:

The pro of generators is that they require less memory because you only generate the values as you need them. The con is that you are increasing the workload on your CPU and making your code more complex.

If you are interested in learning the details, please refer to the items:

3.     Python Documentation
a.      Glossary
                                                       i.            Asynchronous Generator
                                                     ii.            Asynchronous Generator Iterator
                                                  iii.            Asynchronous Iterable
                                                   iv.            Asynchronous Iterator
                                                     v.            Generator
                                                   vi.            Generator Expression
                                                vii.            Generator Iterator
                                              viii.            Iterable
                                                   ix.            Iterator
                                                     x.            Sequence
b.     PEPs
                                                       i.            PEP 255 - Simple Generators
                                                     ii.            PEP 342 - Coroutines via Enhanced Generators
                                                  iii.            PEP 525 - Asynchronous Generators
c.      Python Language Reference
                                                       i.            Compound Statements
                                                     ii.            Data Model
A.   Special Method Names
                                                                                                       I.            Emulating Containter Types
                                                  iii.            Expressions
A.   Atoms
                                                                                                       I.            Generator Expressions
                                                                                                    II.            Yield Expressions
a.      generator.__next__()
c.      generator.throw(...)
d.     generator.close()
e.      Examples
                                                   iv.            Simple Statements
d.     Python Standard Library
                                                       i.            Built-In Exceptions
A.   Concrete Exceptions
                                                                                                       I.            exception IndexError
                                                     ii.            Built-In Functions
A.   next(...)
                                                  iii.            Built-In Types
                                                                                                       I.            container.__iter__()
                                                                                                    II.            Generator Types
                                                                                                 III.            iterator.__iter__()
                                                                                                IV.            iterator.__next__()